Launched in 2021, today JSTOR's dream of gifting Indian consumers with reliable, performing products and create employment out of the project as well, has finally come true!!

Brand Introduction

JSTOR is an Indian beauty brand, pronounced as “Gesture”. It is a gesture of gratitude towards mother nature. Nature that gives us life and so much more. It has given us herbs, shrubs, nuts, fruits, flowers, oils, and other extracts that not only help in looking us young, healthy, and beautiful but also, lets us use its tremendous healing powers, which are, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antimicrobial & much more. Our brand is also, a gesture of gratitude towards our customers for believing in Indian ingredients. You, our customers, have given us the strength and inspiration to introduce this brand to the world. It's our gesture & recognition of our Grandmothers’ age-old methods for healthy skin as well. That is why Jstor is called “Gesture”.

Needs of Our Customers

We have brought you a plethora of exclusive products to fulfill your needs to keep your skin & hair healthy, be them, beauty cosmetics like face care, hair care, body care, bath & shower, or makeup, fragrances, and more for both Women and Men as well as Unisex products. To avoid confusion, the product will display gender/unisex. Our products are manufactured keeping in mind many needs of our customers be it acne, hydration, moisturization, skin & hair drying out, looking dull, frizz, skin infections, daily damage of skin due to stress<s/trong>, pollution, etc or just to maintain your perfect skin which you already have.

Our Products

We strive to live with Compassion, Kindness, and Empathy

We humbly say that the products you are using from Jstor have not been tested on animals. We believe that the beauty and health of humankind should not be enhanced by inflicting agony and cruelty on other living forms.

Jstor products from Jstor House of Cosmetics are authentic & innovative and are made with Indian herbs, shrubs, fruits, nuts, oils, etc. They are meant for everyday use and are manufactured using modern technology, advanced techniques & are in compliance with industry norms & standards when it comes to retaining the healing & intrinsic properties of the ingredients while also ensuring good hygiene & sanitization. Stringent supervision by qualified Doctors and Chemists ensures we deliver authentic products that meet the compliance norms of WHO, GMP, and ISO certification.

Feel the difference..


Heal & Nourish


Enhance Appearnace


Cleanse and Protect


Freshness Explored


Best Fragrance

Our Beliefs

Value for Money Spent by Our Customers

Jstor founders had a long-standing concern for consumers opting for international products to feel confident & worthy in their social circle, having to shell out huge amounts of money in the name of Maximum Retail Price or MRP. The high MRP of products cover costs such as the cost of import, hiring celebrities for product promotion, buying slots on prime time program on various media channels, costly packaging, high dealer margins, etc.

It is high time that we feel proud of being an Indian and start consuming herbal & natural products India has long been reputed for, even in the international markets.
Hence, Jstor Cosmetics; an Indian brand, created and manufactured in India by Indians with Indian ingredients at affordable prices. Help us in proving to the world that we are better and closer to nature when it comes to beauty and a healthy lifestyle. We take pride in this philosophy. Do you?


The Team Leader

Experience & Passion is the basis of any successful enterprise. Rakhee, our team leader who graduated from one of the top business schools in India has spent more than 15 years in the cosmetic industry and is having exposure in promoting many of the national and international brands (kindly refer to corporate sale & bulk orders tab on our website). She is popular for her passion and soulful work, extraordinary awareness towards consumer relations and needs, and deep focus on offering value for money to the customers. She believes firmly in the willingness to give back to the universe what was gifted by the universe.  She is the one behind the whole idea of creating the Brand Jstor, truly Indian.

She has a deep understanding of all aspects of cosmetic development and usages. After having spent such a significant part of her life in the cosmetic industry she felt a deep need to introduce the Indian Cosmetics Brand selling products made from Herbs and other natural ingredients at an affordable price, that is innately Indian. Many consumers aspire to use high-end cosmetics and health products but are constrained by their budgets. Now, they can fulfill their needs & desires at a very affordable price and trust age-old Indian ingredients to work for their beauty enhancement.

Founders of Jstor & Social Responsibilities

Founders have always been very sensitive and aware of their social responsibilities. They have been actively involved in supporting animals as well as helping the needy kids with their basic & professional education, and also their medical needs & self-esteem needs. These activities will be further expanded by dedicating a portion of JSTOR’s profits in the future.

The Team

We are a small team that is passionate about our work as well as have our own individual expertise. We work tirelessly with our heart and soul helped by having exposure & experience of all aspects of cosmetics for more than 15 years. We have profound experience in selling many brands be it Indian or International, Ayurveda or Organic, and others. It was decided to use the collective wisdom of all the learning, knowledge & experience and create a new brand which is Indian, using Indian ingredients and in other words OUR OWN from our very own Indian land. The team is proud to be Indian and has complete trust and faith in Indian ingredients, herbs, shrubs, nuts & fruits. We are involved in each aspect of product formation, be it researched formulas, ingredients, packaging, regular manufacturing plant visits, etc. This is to make sure standards are kept very high so that products can give optimum performance & help us deliver a great product which consumers can use with complete trust. The research on ingredients and formulas are an ongoing process for the past few years.